
Actor-Network Theory

Actor-network theory was created by Bruno Latour, Michel Callon, and John Law. It describes a “material-semiotic" method of analysis that is distinct from mainstream network analysis in that it includes non-human objects in networks as nearly equally important as human actors. According to Latour (1999): “You are different with the gun in your hand; the gun is different with you holding it. You are another subject because you hold the gun; the gun is another object because it has entered into a relationship with you.” According to Korsgaard (2011), Latour’s point is that neither the gun nor the person kills alone, but the combination of person and gun can execute the sinful act. The conclusion is that human agency is not merely a human phenomenon, because it relies on non-human elements too be executable. Korsgaard applied actor-network theory (ANT) to entrepreneurship. He argues that ANT is superior to the older ‘ discovery theories ’ that have dominated the entrepreneurship li

Serial Entrepreneurship

  Serial entrepreneurship refers to the repeated behaviours of entrepreneur.     “There are two types of entrepreneurs: novice entrepreneurs, who launch a business for the first time, and habitual entrepreneurs, which include serial entrepreneurs, who launch businesses sequentially, and portfolio entrepreneurs, who run multiple businesses concurrently.” ( Plehn-Dujowich, 2010)   Plehn-Dujowich suggests that serial entrepreneurs differ substantially from first time entrepreneurs. They argue that the serial entrepreneurs develop new capabilities over time that makes them more effective entrepreneurs. For instance, they may develop heuristics that guide their decision processes that reduce the analysis task needed to assess risks. These types of advantage lead to equal or higher success rates for serial entrepreneurs and a higher likelihood of sticking to entrepreneurship as a career choice. Serial entrepreneurship theory starts with the idea that entrepreneurs need to decide wh

Physiological Theory

Could your physiology make you more entrepreneurial? Research examining the physiology of entrepreneurs is rather new and underdeveloped. Very little is known about how our physiology can affect our propensity for entrepreneurship. One study examined how testosterone level experienced in the womb can affect us. Testosterone exposure in utero is linked to competitiveness, aggressiveness, and other traits that have been linked to some extend with entrepreneurs.[1]   The researchers used a technique of measuring finger length ratios that are markers of testosterone exposure. Survey respondents where supplied with rulers and instructions and self-reported the lengths of their index and ring fingers. To calculate the ratio (2D:4D), one divides the length of the index finger by the length of the ring finger on the same hand. A higher ratio (i.e., relatively long index finger) is associated with many different traits including sexuality, aggressiveness, assertiveness, unprovoked violence, etc

Born Global Startups

Born global startups are ventures that start thinking and acting globally in their early stages of development, which utilize international markets and resources to scale their growth. Attention to born global startups comes from a stream of theory and research that examines how startups rapidly internationalize their new ventures (Knight and Cavusgil, 2004). Traditionally, entrepreneurs would focus on domestic markets first and then pursue internationalization gradually as they develop the requisite skills through trial and error. Modern advances in internet technologies, global talent flows, and international supply chains have substantially lowered the cost for entrepreneurs to internationalize (McCormick & Somaya, 2020). They have also made it possible for startups to address global markets from the very beginning of their existence. Entrepreneurs can now bypass many of their home-country constraints such as government inefficiencies and physical location (McCormick & Somay

Informal Entrepreneurship

Informal entrepreneurship refers to economic activity that occurs outside of the formal economy, which is typically characterized by the absence of legal and regulatory frameworks. This type of entrepreneurship is often associated with small-scale, unregistered, and unregulated businesses that operate in the informal sector. The informal economy is made up of a diverse range of activities, including street vending, artisanal production, and home-based businesses, among others. While these businesses may provide a means of livelihood for individuals and communities, they often face significant barriers to growth and sustainability due to their lack of access to formal financing, legal protections, and other resources. In contrast, the formal economy is the part of the economy that is recognized and regulated by government institutions. Companies and entrepreneurs operating in the formal economy are required to pay taxes, adhere to labour laws and regulations, and obtain necessary licens