Psychological Theories

What are the psychology theories about entrepreneurship?
Achievement Motivation Theory
This theory suggests that entrepreneurs are characterized by a need for achievement.

Ambiguity Tolerance Theory
This theory posits that individuals who possess a higher tolerance of ambiguity are more likely to succeed in the face of uncertainty.
Attribution Theory
This theory posits that people are motivated to find causes for their successes and failures as well as the behavior of others.

Childhood Adversity theory
Been through a lot? Does that make you want to do more?

Expectancy Theory
This theory suggests that an individual will have the motivation to enter into an entrepreneurial path if they value the profits of it, believe they can start the venture, and believe that the venture will yield profits.
Hubris Theory
This theory suggests that entrepreneurs have a high level of confidence which gives them an increased resilience in implementing ideas and a sense of invulnerability.
Impulsivity Theory
The notion that impulsivity is sometimes required in entrepreneurship due to uncertainty and urgency in the market. 
Locus of Control Theory
This theory analyzes an individual's perception of events and suggests that individuals with an internal locus of control are associated with entrepreneurial intentions.
Narcissism and Entrepreneurship
Most often we think of it as a negative trait, but can narcissism play a role in entrepreneurship?
Passion Theory
This theory looks at the different sources of passion for an entrepreneur and how they provide motivation.
Planned Behavior Theory
This theory suggests that the most important determinants of an individual's behavior is their intentions to engage in the behavior. 
Procedural Justice Theory
The procedural justice theory posits that entrepreneurs utilize fair processes in their decision-making.
This theory posits that when individuals think they are winning, they become more risk-averse.

Regulatory Focus Theory
This theory suggests that individuals change between two states: a promotion focus and a prevention focus. Each focus has advantages in different environments.

Self-Competition Theory
This theory suggests that individuals develop the desire to improve themselves and become better than their past selves. 
Self-Efficacy Theory
This theory looks at an individuals mindset towards achieving a goal and how this mentality is developed.